We offer a full range of quality Funeral Service options to fit any budget.
When burial is Not the desired option, we offer several types of Cremation Service Options:
Direct Cremation is when there is No Viewing, No Services. It’s the Cremation Process ONLY!
Package Price Includes: Basic Services of Funeral Director & Administrative Staff, Arrangement for Removal and Transportation into our care from place of passing, Refrigeration and Alternate Care, Paperwork processed for Medical Examiner Cremation Approval Fee, Preparation of Death Certificate, Retrieval of Non-Contagious Disease Letter (when needed), Cremation, Complimentary Cremation Urn when family does Not have one, Social Security Notification and Custom Online Interactive Obituary Page. ***Optional Service 30 minute ID viewing prior to cremation $200!
*******Prices subject to change without notice!
A Memorial Service is a Service for family and Friends, Without the body being present. If the family would like, the Urn can be present.
Package Price Includes: Arrangement for Removal and Transportation into our care from place of passing, Refrigeration and Alternate Care, Death Certificate Filing, Cremation Urn, Floral Arrangement, Social Security Notification, Use of Chapel for Memorial Service, DVD Tribute, Register Book for family and friends to sign-in, Color Obituary Programs Or Prayer Cards and Online Obituary. **Price does Not Include the Cost of Cremation
****Prices subject to change without notice
This option of Viewing prior to Cremation is the most common selected package for family and friends to spend time with their loved one, while having the support of extended family and friends while sharing heartfelt memories……
Package Price Includes: Basic Services of Funeral Director & Administrative Staff, Arrangement for Removal and Transportation into our care from place of passing, Availability 24 hours a day, including Holidays and Weekends, Refrigeration & Storage, Sanitation, Preparation and Embalming, Preparation and Filing of Death Certificate, Retrieval of Non-Contagious Disease Letter (when needed) Cremation, Cremation Urn, Social Security Notification, Dressing and Casketing
Cosmetology Process, Hairstyling, Chapel for Viewing, Casket Spray of Fresh Cut Flowers, Register Book for Sign-in, Rental Casket Included, Custom Online Interactive Obituary Page, DVD Video Tributes and Processing of Life Insurance. **Price does Not Include the Cost of Cremation
****Prices subject to change without notice
A One Day Traditional Funeral Service to be held in the Chapel or at a Church.
Package Price Includes: Basic Services of Funeral Director & Administrative Staff, Arrangement for Removal and Transportation into our care from place of passing, Sanitation, Preparation and Embalming, Refrigeration & Storage, Preparation and Filing of Death Certificate, Social Security, Notification, Retrieval of Non-Contagious Disease Letter (when needed), Dressing and Casketing, Cosmetology Process, Hairstyling, Private Family Viewing before the public Viewing, Obituary Program Design, Color Obituary Programs, Chapel for Service, Casket Spray of Fresh Cut Flowers for Casket, Register Book for Sign-in, Hearse (for Church Service), Custom Online Interactive Obituary Page, DVD Video Tributes and Processing of Life Insurance. **Price does Not Include the Cost of Cremation
****Prices subject to change without notice